September 19, 2013

Ending HIV campaign launches in Victoria

HIV_NewsVictorian AIDS Council / Gay Men’s Health Centre (VAC/GMHC) and Living Positive Victoria (LPV) have joined forces to launch Ending HIV: a campaign designed to engage, motivate and reinvigorate efforts to end the transmissions of HIV, in Victoria.

The campaign, first launched by ACON in New South Wales, reflects the changing nature of HIV prevention by highlighting new ways of testing, treating and engaging in safer sex.

The campaign targets gay men, men who have sex with men, people living with HIV, and other affected communities, and uses innovative ways of reaching target populations at risk of HIV with a three phase message:

  • Phase 1: I’m In

    Encouraging individuals to commit to doing what it takes to Ending HIV transmissions in Victoria.

  • Phase 2: Test More + Treat Early + Stay Safe = Ending HIV

    This equation spells out what is required to make Ending HIV a reality.

  • Phase 3: Stay Safe = Ending HIV

    Condoms continue to be our best defense against the HIV virus.

Sam Venning, LPV President, says that the involvement of HIV-positive people is a key component of the campaign:

'Behind Ending HIV are HIV-positive people. We feel strongly that HIV-positive people have a role to play to end the transmission of HIV. There is a growing body of evidence around the beneficial impacts of starting treatment early for HIV positive people, including its role in reducing transmissions of the virus,’ Sam Venning said.

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