Three porn actors have tested positive for HIV in recent weeks as a bill that would mandate condom use in the industry heads toward the governor, keeping alive debate over whether condoms should be mandatory.
As numerous media outlets have reported, two of the performers have worked with San Francisco’s
The actress known as Cameron Bay performed at Kink July 31, after testing negative July 27. After another screening August 20, she revealed that she had tested positive.
In a message on Twitter posted September 3, the actor known as Rod Daily, who’s been in a relationship with Bay, said, "Drumroll please!! I’m 32 years old and I’m HIV positive. Acute HIV, which means I recently was infected."
Friday, September 6, it was announced that another performer had tested positive for HIV. That person apparently hasn’t publicly come forward.
On September 12, state lawmakers are expected to vote on Assembly Bill 640, which would require condom use for commercially filmed sexual acts. Assemblyman Isadore Hall III (D-Los Angeles) originally made the proposal via AB 332, but eventually amended his AB 640 to include the language. The full Senate is expected to vote on the latter bill and then send it to the Assembly for a vote by the end of Thursday. It would then go to Governor Jerry Brown. If the governor signs the bill, it would take effect immediately.
Peter Acworth,’s founder, is critical of Hall’s proposal. Referring to the industry in general, Acworth said, "There hasn’t been an on-set transmission of HIV since 2004, so it seems to me the testing approach works."