September 17, 2013

Bali plans to allocate special fund for HIV/AIDS

HIV_NewsThe provincial administration plans to allocate special funding to finance HIV/AIDS programs to demonstrate the government’s strong commitment and as a breakthrough in efforts to eliminate the epidemic.

Ketut Suarjaya, head of Bali Health Agency, told reporters on Monday that the expected Rp 6 billion (US$525,000) funding would be allocated from the provincial budget in the 2014 fiscal year.

“This special and separate funding is urgently needed to prevent HIV/AIDS cases from increasing rapidly,” Suarjaya said.

Currently HIV/AIDS prevention activities fall under the government-sponsored infectious diseases prevention programs, which receive a small amount of financial support.

The budget for HIV/AIDS prevention at the provincial level is set at only Rp 500 million.

The provincial HIV/AIDS Commission (KPA) also provides an additional Rp 500 million.

“Funding from the province must also cover prevention programs for various tropical and infectious diseases,” he added.

Ketut Sudikerta, chairman of KPA Bali, added that the province would also provide free condoms for high-risk groups, including in a number of red-light districts.

Sudikerta, who is also deputy governor, stressed that condom usage was just one of the important ways to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS.

He went on to say that it was challenging for the government and the KPA to encourage the closure of some red-light districts in Denpasar and other locations on the island.

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