August 26, 2013

What to expect over the next two years in HCV drug development

blogger_HCVThe first wave of direct-acting antiviral drugs (DAAs) for HCV treatment was comprised of telaprevir or boceprevir.

The second wave of drugs that will be licensed in Canada, Australia, the U.S., the European Union and other high-income countries and regions over the following 18 months will likely be drugs such as these:

  • simeprevir
  • faldaprevir
  • Both of these drugs will be licensed for use with peginterferon + ribavirin.

    Also expected to be approved in that time period is sofosbuvir. This will likely be approved for use together with ribavirin in certain situations and/or peginterferon + ribavirin in others.

    In 2015, likely the ABT-trio of drugs mentioned toward the end of this report will likely be licensed. There are also other drugs likely to be approved in 2015, such as the combination of daclatasvir + asunaprevir. Another combination that should be licensed by that time is that of sofosbuvir + ledipasvir. This combination may be very useful when a third DAA is added, forming yet another option for interferon-free treatment of HCV.

    It is also possible that there are also drugs that we have not mentioned that may become licensed over the next two years.

    Limits to knowledge

    At present, only limited information about the full potential uses of DAAs is available. However, once these drugs are licensed by regulatory authorities, doctors may decide to conduct clinical trials with different combinations of DAAs, as they strive to find the perfect interferon-free regimen. Further information about side effects and complications associated with the new drugs will also become available upon licensure.

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