August 20, 2013

Ghana Press misrepresents UNAIDS blaming AIDS and HIV on Homosexuality

blogger_HIVIn an unconscionable gross misrepresentation and twist of wording the press in the African country Ghana is seizing on the words of the UNAIDS (United Nation’s AIDS Organization) to further demonize homosexuality and local LGBTI people. Following a conference in Abidjan Cote D’Ivoire, as reflected in the  example of a press report below, the Modern Ghana is saying UNAIDS is blaming the increase of HIV and AIDS on homosexuality, instead of noting that UNAIDS is blaming the increase on the CRIMINALIZATION of homosexuality.

The Headline reads: “Homosexuality cause of increased HIV/AIDS infections among couples– UNAIDS” is a complete flagrant lie. The header should have read ” Criminalizing Homosexuality causes  increase in HIV/AIDS infections among couples– UNAIDS”

By adding “UNAIDS” to the misrepresenting headline the news outlet is asserting that this is in fact what UNAIDS had reported, which is an out and out lie.

This so called journalist then went on to properly provide the statistics and contradicted his misleading and persecutory header, by noting in the body of his piece, “According to the UNAIDS there has been a 66% rise in infection of HIV/AIDS among couples because, there are a lot of laws criminalising homosexuality and lesbianism in many African countries.

This is the type of irresponsibility that feeds the myth and lies about homosexuality and that will cause LGBTI people direct harm in Ghana and other countries as this very header spreads.

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